Dayi Ethan Dong 董大一
dayi [dot] dong [at] berkeley [dot] edu

I am a Mechanical Engineering Ph.D. student at the University of California Berkeley. My work primarily focuses on multi-robot path planning and exploration. In future projects, I hope to extend this to heterogeneous multi-robot systems and address uncertainty and task distribution problems to hopefully establish a fully autonomous search and exploration algorithm capable of mapping unknown regions.

I work in the ICON Lab under the advisement of Dr. Negar Mehr. Previously, I worked in the Intelligent Autonomy Lab at Yale University under Dr. Ian Abraham.

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Ergodic Exploration over Meshable Surfaces

Dayi Ethan Dong, Albert Xu, Ian Abraham, Howie Choset
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2025

Leveraging Large Language Models for Effective and Explainable Multi-Agent Credit Assignment

Kartik Nagpal, Dayi Ethan Dong, Jean-Baptiste Bouvier, Negar Mehr
Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS) 2025

Time-optimal Ergodic Search: Multiscale Coverage in Minimum Time

Dayi Ethan Dong, Henry Berger, Ian Abraham
International Journal of Robotics Research
Github  •   Paper

Time Optimal Ergodic Search

Dayi Ethan Dong, Henry Berger, Ian Abraham
Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS) 2023
Best Paper Award   •   Github  •   Paper

Safety-critical Ergodic Exploration in Cluttered Environments via Control Barrier Functions

Cameron Lerch, Dayi Ethan Dong, Ian Abraham
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2023
Github  •   Paper